Columbia Sportswear Pro Staffers and Media Members Visit Crocodile Bay – Shark Eats Half of Guests’ Snapper and Tuna and Marlin Show Up as Predicted.
I like it when I am right. According to my wife that’s not very often. When I said last report that the tuna and marlin should be rolling in any day, they made me a hero.
Mark Hettervig’s group pulled on a big yellowfin estimated at 200 lbs and it came unbuttoned after two hours. They did bring in enough tuna for sashimi and also boated a bunch of roosters during their stay.
Mike and David Kurfess also took nice roosters while Buck Pollister and his fiancé Blair Campell caught just about everything that swims here especially inshore.
Harold Odell fished with his granddaughter Kaity Box and got some nice fish also. Kaity got a big surprise when she ended up sharing her snapper for dinner with a big shark that wanted to have it for lunch.
Columbia Sportswear was down with a group of pro staff, sports celebs and outdoor media to introduce their spring line of outdoor wear. The group landed over 100 fish including, marlin, sails, tuna, roosters, snapper, African pompano and more.
Offshore the tuna have been sporadic, making an appearance one day and not showing the next. Marlin have been hanging around trash lines and floating structure and as many as five a boat, have come up into the spread. A few sails are popping up here and there. Inshore has been very consistent. Every picture tells a story.
Photo Courtesy Cindy Nguyen – Getting horizontal with Kelly Bastone ☆ She makes this look easy!
June Fishing Gallery (click ESC to exit gallery photos!!)
[gdl_gallery title=”Costa Rica Fishing Gallery June 2015″ width=”150″ height=”150″ galid=”1″ ]
Todd Staley returns next month for the Crocodile Bay, Costa Rica fishing report.
Summer Vacations at Crocodile Bay – Marlin Fishing
Summer Family Eco Adventures at Crocodile Bay ( we can create eco & fishing combo packages for the whole family)
For non-anglers we offer 30 unique eco expeditions and a luxury spa making Crocodile Bay a complete vacation destination. Check out our new videos for a sample of what you can expect during your trip to Crocodile Bay Resort including our new kayak fishing and paddle boarding.
Spouse on the House
Back by popular demand, we’re offering our classic “Spouse on the House” Spa Package this summer season (now through Dec 1, 2015). For every day you fish, your spouse gets a free spa treatment (up to $125/credit per day in the spa)! This special is only available for a short time so call and mention “spouse on the house” to take advantage of this great offer. 1-855-945-4171