Costa Rica is one of the best fishing spots in the world and after a long day of fishing or hiking through the rainforest, everyone is ready for a good hearty dinner. Abundant in fresh fish, vegetables and fruit available combined with the a strong Spanish influence, Costa Rica has some real epicurean treats. With its cultural history, of course black beans and rice are staples for meals here combined with other foods. A Casada is a typical Costa Rican dish, which has beans and rice served with fish, meat and chicken. But you can also enjoy incredible dishes with influences from all over the world and if you choose to. Probably what makes the food so good is that to start most of it is grown locally so everything you eat here is fresh. With a year-long growing season, there is never a shortage of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as a daily locally caught fish if you are by the sea.

There are over 60 different kinds of game fish in Costa Rica. While most of the big game fish are protected under catch and release, there are some fish that you can catch and take back with you to enjoy for dinner in limited quantities. By doing so, Costa Rica ensures that the fish populations remain stable for both the big game anglers as well as the fish populations caught for human consumption. Maintaining strong fish stocks is critical to the overall health of ocean life. Through the catch and release programs Costa Rica has stabilized its overall fish populations that in other parts of the world are depleted.

Fishing for human consumption, as long as overfishing does not take place, is also important in keeping the fish populations balanced. The biggest threat to fish populations is found in large scale commercial fishing operations. Limiting the scale of commercial fishing is an effective means in protecting the fish populations as well as the sport. Anglers from all over the world travel to Costa Rica, especially to the Osa Peninsula, for some of the best sport fishing in the world including the legendary Marlin. With the incredible diversity of micro-environments as well as migration patterns that travel through these waters, there is something here for everyone from the pro to the amateur fisherman.

After a long day, there are great options for restaurants and if you are looking for everything from international cuisine to more Costa Rican type dishes, Crocodile Bay not only has incredible fishing has a world-class restaurant with a menu that includes Italian, Sushi and more traditional type Costa Rican recipes such as medallions of pork prepared in guave and honey served on sugar cane skewer. Now after a long day of fishing or hiking, you will not find yourself at a loss for wonderful freshly prepared foods when traveling to the Osa Peninsula.