Sea turtles are commonly seen year around in the waters of our Golfo Dulce (“sweet gulf”). However, the main nesting season on the peninsula is from June until December. We have 4 species that nest on our beaches: olive ridleys, green turtles, hawksbill turtles, and leatherbacks. Olive ridley turtles are the most common species found […]

Dry season is bird nesting season. Especially in March many birds are nesting and new chicks are being born. It’s an excellent time to go birding around the Osa Peninsula. Even right on Botánika’s property you can find many different bird species that live here year-around or migrate through. Below is an example of a […]

Humpback whales migrate almost all year around through the waters of the Golfo Dulce and the Osa Peninsula. From July through to November the Antarctic Humpbacks will pass through the Golfo Dulce, whereas the Californian Humpbacks travel through from December to April. See the chart below to see exactly where and when the Humpbacks migrate. […]

Humpback whales migrate almost all year around through the waters of the Golfo Dulce and the Osa Peninsula. From July through to November the Antarctic Humpbacks will pass through the Golfo Dulce, whereas the Californian Humpbacks travel through from December to April. See the chart below to see exactly where and when the Humpbacks migrate. […]

Sportfishing Calendar


Tuna, marlin and dorado taper off. Number of sailfish begins to increase.


Prime time for sailfish. Occassional marlin, tuna or dorado.


Prime time for sailfish.


Sailfish numbers drop mid-April and some marlin begin to appear.


Slower for billfish. Typically we start seeing schools of spinner dolphins with yellowfin tuna.


Slower for billfish. Spinner dolphins with yellowfin tuna.


Marlin begin to appear. A chance for black marlin as well as blues and striped marlin. A chance for tuna.


Marlin and tuna.


Slower for billfish. A chance for tuna and dorado.


Dorado begin to appear in numbers with marlin close behind.


A mixed bag of dorado, marlin and some big tuna.


Marlin, dorado, tuna and sailfish are all possibilities.